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MRC Trainer T4K for Kids Pre - Orthodontic

MRC Trainer T4K for Kids Pre - Orthodontic

SKU: DK-8970


Design characteristics of the T4K?Phase 1

  • Tooth Channels and labial bows - guide erupting teeth into correct alignment.
  • Tongue Tag - trains the tongue to sit in the roof of the mouth, improving myofunctional habits.
  • Lip bumpers - discourage overactive lip muscle activity.


Trainers - Early Mixed Dentition for Children 6 - 8 Years

Improves dental and facial development in the growing child

The Pre-Orthodontic Trainer for Kids (T4K?)is a single size, prefabricated dental appliance that incorporates both myofunctional and tooth positioning characteristics. The T4K? is designed for treatment in the mixed dentition, while the permanent teeth are erupting and the child is still growing.

Appliance use

Designed For

Class II Division 1 2

Anterior (upper lower) crowding


Deep bite

Open biteWorks in Conjunction With Lip Trainer /p>

Next Appliance The T4K? - Phase 2

Important Points

The steps for correct dental and facial development are:

Lips together.

Breathe through the nose.

No lip activity when swallowing.

Poor myofunctional habits such as incorrect swallowing and breathing through the mouth are the major cause of misaligned teeth and poor jaw development.Research has shown that the correction of these poor myofunctional habits improves facial and dental development.

Due to the nature of removable appliances, patient compliance is essential.Therefore it is important to only select motivated patients and parents. If motivation is a problem, it may be better to suggest the use of conventional brackets.

Arch Expansion

In more severe cases when the jaws are underdeveloped, appliances such as the Farrell Bent Wire System (BWS and/or Biobloc may be required for extra widening of the dental archform.

An advantage of using the BWS is that it can be using in conjunction with the T4K

MRC have also developed a procedure for composite build ups know as Myolay


  • 1 Piece

Direction to Use

How the T4K? Phase 1 works

The T4K?Since first being introduced in 1992, the Pre-Orthodontic Trainer for Kids (T4K?) has become one of the most popular and successful product available from MRC.

The T4K? is most effective in early mixed dentition for tooth eruption guidance and correction of myofunctional habits.

Tooth channels and labial bows guide the erupting/developing dentition into correct alignment, while the tongue tag and lip bumpers treat myofunctional habits.

Starting is a soft (Silicone) Phase 1 appliance and Finishing or Phase 2 is harder (Polyurethane). It requires no impressions, no moulding, and can be applied to children from 6 years of age in minimal chair time. The T4K? must be worn for 1 hour each day and overnight while sleeping.

T4K? Phase 2 -Correcting Tooth Alignment

Once the dental alignment improves, the harder T4K? Phase 2 (pink or red) is used.This is much stiffer (same principle as orthodontic archwire).As the teeth come into place, more force can be used to encourage their alignment.The myofunctional characteristics are the same as the T4K? Phase 1.Use the finishing T4K? Phase 2 for a further 6 to 12 months.Use beyond this period is recommended depending on the outcome and the next phase of orthodontic treatment.

Patient Selection

The optimum patient age for the T4K? is 6 - 8 years of age.

Although it is possible to use the T4K? in patients ranging from the primary right through to the permanent dentition, as dentition progresses the effectiveness of the T4K? as the sole method of treatment is lessened.

Direction for use

The T4K? must be worn for 1 hour each day and overnight while sleeping and always remember to follow these few simple steps:

Lips together - at all times except when speaking.

Breathe through the nose - to assist the development of the upper and lower jaws, and to achieve the correct bite.

No lip activity when swallowing - which allows the front teeth to develop correctly.

Cleaning the T4K?The T4K? should be clean under warm running water every time the patient removes it from their mouth. Use Myoclean tablets to correctly clean twice a week. Myoclean is the recommended cleaning agent for MRC's appliances.

(For orders above US $300 only)

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