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Alere SD Bioline Dengue Test Kit

Alere SD Bioline Dengue Test Kit

SKU : SMB-I18-12/11FK45
217,56$ Prix original
26,41$Prix promotionnel

- The Alere SD Bioline Dengue Test Kit is a rapid, an in-vitro immunochromatographic, one step assay designed to detect both dengue virus NS1 antigen and antibodies to Dengue virus (Dengue IgG/IgM) in human serum, plasma or whole blood

- It contains two test devices (left side: Dengue NS1 Ag test, right side: Dengue IgG/IgM test)

- It is intended only for an initial screening test and reactive samples should be confirmed by a supplemental assay such as RT-PCR, IgM / IgG ELISA or HI (Hemagglutination inhibition) test

- It can detect Dengue Ag and Ab simultaneously at once

- It covers acute to convalescence stage

- Technical Specifications:

- The results can be seen in just 15~20 minutes

- The convenient storage condition is 1-30 ?elsius

- Sensitivity : 92.4% (Dengue NS1 Ag), 94.2% (Dengue IgG/IgM)

- Specificity : 98.4%(Dengue NS1 Ag), 96.4% (Dengue IgG/IgM)

(For orders above US $300 only)

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